All elements in two binary search trees

October 28, 2022


Problem URL: All elements in two binary search trees

We will inorder traverse both tree to get the sorted list of elements in both trees. We will merge the two sorted lists into one sorted list.

class Solution:
    def getAllElements(self, root1: TreeNode, root2: TreeNode) -> List[int]:
        def inorder(root):
            if not root: 
                return []
            return inorder(root.left)+[root.val]+inorder(root.right)

        lst1 = inorder(root1)
        lst2 = inorder(root2)

        i1, i2, res = 0, 0, []
        s1, s2 = len(lst1), len(lst2)

        while i1 < s1 and i2 < s2:
            if lst1[i1] < lst2[i2]:
                res += [lst1[i1]]
                i1 += 1
                res += [lst2[i2]]
                i2 += 1

        return res + lst1[i1:] + lst2[i2:]

Time complexity: O(n1+n2), n1 and n2 are the number of nodes in the tree
Space complexity: O(h1+h1), h1 and h2 are the height of the tree