Can you eat your favorite candy on your favorite day

December 7, 2022


Problem URL: Can you eat your favorite candy on your favorite day

Define a prefix sum of candiesCount. If you label all candies starting from 1 and order them by type:

class Solution:
    def canEat(self, candiesCount: List[int], queries: List[List[int]]) -> List[bool]:
        prefix = [0]
        for candy in candiesCount:

        def helper(candyType, targetDay, dailyCap):
            low, high = prefix[candyType]+1, prefix[candyType+1]
            minEat = targetDay+1
            maxEat = (targetDay+1)*dailyCap
            if maxEat < low or minEat > high:
                return False
                return True

        res = [helper(*query) for query in queries]
        return res

Time complexity: O(n)
Space complexity: O(n)