Count pairs in two arrays

November 28, 2022


Problem URL: Count pairs in two arrays

nums1[i] + nums1[j] > nums2[i] + nums2[j], i < j can be converted to (nums1[i]-nums2[i]) + (nums1[j]-nums2[j]) > 0, i < j.

At this point, we will realize that the constrain i < j is not really important anymore, you can replace i with j and get (nums1[j]-nums2[j]) + (nums1[i]-nums2[i]) > 0. This is due to Commutative_Property of Addition.

We can calculate the difference between nums1[i] and nums2[i] and sort the result array diff. Then for each diff[i], we want to find number of diff[j] such that diff[j] > -diff[i], so that diff[i] + diff[j] > 0. Remember the original order is not important as discussed above, we will only focus on current order (i.e. only count j such that j > i).

This part can be confusing, the original order also requires to find j such that j > i, but this is totally different from the order of diff. This is because that diff is already sorted, which breaks the original order. Since diff is already sorted, we can use binary search to do the finding.

class Solution:
    def countPairs(self, nums1: List[int], nums2: List[int]) -> int:
        diff = sorted(a-b for a, b in zip(nums1, nums2))
        res, n = 0, len(diff)
        for i, x in enumerate(diff):
            idx = bisect_right(diff, -x, i+1)
            res += n - idx
        return res

Time complexity: O(nlogn), n is the length of nums1
Space complexity: O(n)