Count ways to build good strings
May 12, 2023
dynamic-programmingProblem URL: Count ways to build good strings
All we care about is low and high. We subtruct from high number of zeros or number of ones if can. Same we do for low but max it with 0. If we reached 0 in low than we add one to the answer.
class Solution:
def countGoodStrings(self, low: int, high: int, zero: int, one: int) -> int:
MOD = 10**9+7
def _countGoodStrings(lo: int, hi: int) -> int:
res = int(lo == 0)
if hi-zero >= 0:
res += _countGoodStrings(max(0, lo-zero), hi-zero)
if hi-one >= 0:
res += _countGoodStrings(max(0, lo-one), hi-one)
return res % MOD
return _countGoodStrings(low, high)
Time complexity: O(n)
where n
is high-low
Space complexity: O(n)