Delete duplicate folders in system
November 23, 2022
trieProblem URL: Delete duplicate folders in system
We will use TrieNode to create the graph of folder structure. Then dfs on our graph and serialize subtrees as strings, then add nodes which has the same serialize string into a dictionary, let name it seen. Traverse the seen dictionary, if nodes has the same serialize string, then it's duplicated subtree, we mark those nodes as deleted. Traverse the whole graph again, if the node is not deleted, we add the paths to our result.
class TrieNode:
def __init__(self):
self.child = defaultdict(TrieNode)
self.deleted = False
def addWord(self, word):
curr = self
for c in word: curr = curr.child[c]
class Solution:
def deleteDuplicateFolder(self, paths: List[List[str]]) -> List[List[str]]:
def serialize(root, seen):
if not root.child: return ""
keys = []
for c, child in root.child.items():
keys.append(c + ":" + serialize(child, seen))
key = "(" + "".join(keys) + ")"
return key
def dfsGetValidPaths(root, path, out):
for c, child in root.child.items():
if not child.deleted:
out.append(path + [c])
dfsGetValidPaths(child, path + [c], out)
trieRoot, seen = TrieNode(), defaultdict(list)
# Create graph
for path in sorted(paths): # Sort paths to get correct orders of children of a subtree
# Find duplicated subtrees
serialize(trieRoot, seen)
# Mark duplicated subtree nodes as deleted
for nodes in seen.values():
if len(nodes) >= 2:
for node in nodes: # Mark duplicated subtrees as deleted
node.deleted = True
res = []
dfsGetValidPaths(trieRoot, [], res)
return res
Time complexity: O(nlog(n))
Space complexity: O(n)