Earliest possible day of full bloom

October 29, 2022


Problem URL: Earliest possible day of full bloom

We can be greedy about the solution. We need to plant the flower that takes longest possible time to grow the earliest. So, we will sort the flowers in descending order of their grow time. Then we will plant them one by one and check if we can bloom all the flowers in the given days. If we can, then we will try to plant the next flower earlier. If we can't, then we will plant the next flower later. We will do this until we find the earliest possible day of full bloom.

class Solution:
    def earliestFullBloom(self, plantTime: List[int], growTime: List[int]) -> int:
        res = 0
        for grow, plant in sorted(zip(growTime, plantTime)):
            res = max(res, grow) + plant
        return res

Time complexity: O(nlogn)
Space complexity: O(1)