Find all anagrams in a string
October 8, 2022
array-and-hashmapProblem URL: Find all anagrams in a string
We will use counter to calculate the number of characters of string p. Then we take a sliding window of lenght p, then compare the character count with the character count of p. If we found a match, we append the starting index in the result. We will finish the loop when we reach the end of the string s and then return our result.
class Solution:
def findAnagrams(self, s: str, p: str) -> List[int]:
res = []
pCounter = Counter(p)
n = len(p)
sCounter = Counter(s[:n-1])
for i in range(len(s)-n+1):
sCounter[s[i+n-1]] += 1
if sCounter == pCounter:
sCounter[s[i]] -= 1
if sCounter[s[i]] == 0:
del sCounter[s[i]]
return res
Time Complexity: O(n*m)
, n is the length of s, m is the length of p
Space Complexity: O(1)