Find positive integer solution for a given equation
October 13, 2022
math-and-geometryProblem URL: Find positive integer solution for a given equation
Given a function f(x, y)
and a value z
, return all positive integer pairs x
and y
where f(x,y) == z
. Rephrase the problem like given a matrix, each row and each column is increasing. Find all coordinates (i,j) that A[i][j] == z.
This is the custom function interface.
You should not implement it, or speculate about its implementation
class CustomFunction:
# Returns f(x, y) for any given positive integers x and y.
# Note that f(x, y) is increasing with respect to both x and y.
# i.e. f(x, y) < f(x + 1, y), f(x, y) < f(x, y + 1)
def f(self, x, y):
class Solution:
def findSolution(self, customfunction: 'CustomFunction', z: int) -> List[List[int]]:
res = []
y = 1000
for x in range(1, 1001):
while y > 1 and customfunction.f(x, y) > z:
y -= 1
if customfunction.f(x, y) == z:
res.append([x, y])
return res
Time Complexity: O(x+y)
Space Complexity: O(x)