Largest values from labels

December 22, 2022


Problem URL: Largest values from labels

We will use a greedy approach to solve this problem. We will sort the values in descending order and then iterate over the values. We will keep track of the number of items with each label. We will add the value to the result if the number of items with the label is less than the maximum allowed number of items with the label. We will return the result.

class Solution:
    def largestValsFromLabels(self, values: List[int], labels: List[int], numWanted: int, useLimit: int) -> int:
        items = sorted(zip(values, labels), reverse=True)
        res = 0
        counter = defaultdict(int)

        for value, label in items:
            if counter[label] < useLimit:
                res += value
                counter[label] += 1
                numWanted -= 1

            if numWanted == 0:

        return res

Time complexity: O(nlogn)
Space complexity: O(n)