Max increase to keep city skyline
January 6, 2023
greedyProblem URL: Max increase to keep city skyline
For grid[i][j], it can't be higher than the maximun of its row nor the maximum of its column. So the maximum increasing height for a building at (i, j) is min(row[i], col[j]) - grid[i][j]
rows: maximum for every row, cols: maximum for every col, the fisrt loop of grid calcule maximum for every row and every col. The second loop calculate the maximum increasing height for every building.
class Solution:
def maxIncreaseKeepingSkyline(self, grid: List[List[int]]) -> int:
rows, cols = list(map(max, grid)), list(map(max, zip(*grid)))
return sum(min(i, j) for i in rows for j in cols) - sum(map(sum, grid))
Time complexity: O(n^2)
Space complexity: O(n)