Maximum frequency stack
November 13, 2022
stack designProblem URL: Maximum frequency stack
We will use a hashmap freq will count the frequence of elements and another hashmap stack is a map of stack. If element x has n frequence, we will push x n times in stack[1], stack[2] .. stack[n], max_freq records the maximum frequence.
push(x) will push x to stack[++freq[x]] and pop() will pop from the stack[maxfreq]
class FreqStack:
def __init__(self):
self.freq = defaultdict(int)
self.stack = defaultdict(list)
self.max_freq = 0
def push(self, val: int) -> None:
self.freq[val] += 1
self.max_freq = max(self.max_freq, self.freq[val])
def pop(self) -> int:
val = self.stack[self.max_freq].pop()
self.freq[val] -= 1
if not self.stack[self.max_freq]:
self.max_freq -= 1
return val