Maximum length of subarray with positive product

May 11, 2023


Problem URL: Maximum length of subarray with positive product

We can use top-down dynamic programming to solve the problem. We will start from index 0, and move forward. If the current element is positive, we will increment the result by 1 and move forward. If the current element is 0, we will reset the result to 0. If the current element is negative, we will move forward until we find a 0 or the end of the array. Finally, we will return the result. We will use a hashmap to store the results of the subproblems. Now we will calculate all possible starting with values and return the largest one.

class Solution:
    def getMaxLen(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        def getMaxLenStartingWith(index: int, positive: bool=True) -> int:
            if index >= len(nums) or nums[index] == 0:
                return 0

            length = 0
            if (nums[index] > 0) is positive:
                length = 1 + getMaxLenStartingWith(index+1, True)
                if next_neg := getMaxLenStartingWith(index+1, False):
                    length = 1+next_neg

            return length

        return max(getMaxLenStartingWith(i) for i in range(len(nums)))

Time complexity: O(n)
Space complexity: O(n)