Maximum xor of two numbers in an array

August 30, 2022


Problem URL: Maximum xor of two numbers in an array

we will create a mask of first character 1 for all 32 position in a 32 bit integer. Then we created hashset to calculate which number has the largest most significant bit. Then we create a temporary variable to store the output, and check in the hashset that which value is already present if we do a XOR operation. Then we return that result.

class Solution:
    def findMaximumXOR(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        mask, output = 0, 0
        for i in range(32, -1, -1):
            mask = mask | 1 << i
            found = set([mask & n for n in nums])

            temp = output | 1 << i
            for f in found:
                if f^temp in found:
                    output = temp
        return output

Time Complexity: O(n)
Space Complexity: O(n)