Minimum insertions to balance a parentheses string
September 16, 2022
stack greedyProblem URL: Minimum insertions to balance a parentheses string
We will iterate over each character, if the character is (
, then we need 2 more, and if it is )
, the we remove one from need. If the need is not even, then we add 1 in our result and remove it from the need. If need reached -1, then we add 1 to result and reset need to 1. Finally we return need + result.
class Solution:
def minInsertions(self, s: str) -> int:
res, need = 0, 0
for c in s:
if c == '(':
need += 2
if need % 2 == 1:
res += 1
need -= 1
need -= 1
if need == -1:
res += 1
need = 1
return res + need
Time Complexity: O(n)
Space Complexity: O(1)