Minimum penalty for a shop
December 28, 2022
array-and-hashmap greedyProblem URL: Minimum penalty for a shop
We will count the number of penaly and then iterate over the customers, canculate the minimum penalty for each customer and add it to the total penalty.
class Solution:
def bestClosingTime(self, customers: str) -> int:
n = len(customers)
penalty = customers.count('Y')
if penalty == n:
return n
minPenalty, res = n, 0
for idx, value in enumerate(customers):
if minPenalty > penalty:
minPenalty = penalty
res = idx
if value == 'Y':
penalty -= 1
penalty += 1
if minPenalty > penalty:
return n
return res
Time complexity: O(n)
Space complexity: O(1)