Nth digit

December 2, 2022


Problem URL: Nth digit

Integers can be divided into groups 1-9, 10-99, 100-999, 1000-9999, etc. Every number in the i-th group has i digits. First we want to find the group which contains the number where does the digit come from. (For example 2, the output comes from 10, which is in group 2.)

The first elements of these groups are 1, 10, 100, 1000...has the form 10**(digits-1) for digits in range(1, 11) (11 is big enough to cover all n in the given range). But how do we determine the group from n? Notice the groups has 9, 90, 900, 9000...elements and the total number of digits in the groups are 1*9, 2*90, 3*900, 4*9000.....Let's formalize the observation. For the digits-th group,

Therefore, in for loop, we first test if n <= 9 (the size of the first group). If not, n= n-9 due to {1,...,9}. Then test if the new n <=2*90 (i.e. digits from 10-99). I'm lying a bit, since in the beginning n-=1 so all <= sign became < sign. When "n < 9 * first * digits" becomes true,

class Solution:
    def findNthDigit(self, n: int) -> int:
        n -= 1
        digits = 1
        first = 1
        while n >= 9 * first * digits:
            n -= 9 * first * digits
            digits += 1
            first *= 10
        return int(str(first + n/digits)[n%digits])

Time complexity: O(log(n))
Space complexity: O(1)