Partition to k equal sum subsets

September 23, 2022


Problem URL: Partition to k equal sum subsets

We can try to split the numbers to k subsets, for that every subsets' sum will be total sum divided by k. It is best to iterate the input from biggest numbers, so that we can cut off bad solution close to the root of the decision tree. So, we sort the array in descending order. Then we start from the beginning index and look for every possible subsets, and when we reach at the end, if we are at the end of the list, we return true, else false.

class Solution:
    def canPartitionKSubsets(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> bool:
        total = sum(nums)

        if total % k > 0:
            return False

        target = total / k
        sums = [0] * k
        lastIndex = len(nums)-1

        def backtrack(i):
            num = nums[i]
            for bucket_i in range(k):
                sums[bucket_i] += num

                if sums[bucket_i] <= target:
                    if i == lastIndex:
                        return True

                    if backtrack(i+1):
                        return True

                sums[bucket_i] -= num

                if bucket_i < k-1 and sums[bucket_i+1:].count(sums[bucket_i]) == k-1-bucket_i:
                        return False
            return False

        return backtrack(0)

Time Complexity: O(k * 2^n)
Space Complexity: O(k)