Remove interval

December 5, 2022


Problem URL: Remove interval

We will iterate over each interval, if the interval doesn't overlap with the to be removed interval, we just add it to the output. If start is less than remove start, we take the remove start as end. If the end is greater than the remove end, we take the remove end as start. We continue over each itervals and finally return the res.

class Solution:
    def removeInterval(self, intervals: List[List[int]], toBeRemoved: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
        removeStart, removeEnd = toBeRemoved
        res = []
        for start, end in intervals:
            if start > removeEnd or end < removeStart:
                res.append([start, end])
                if start < removeStart:
                    res.append([start, removeStart])

                if end > removeEnd:
                    res.append([removeEnd, end])

        return res

Time Complexity: O(n)
Space Complexity: O(1)