String compression II

October 15, 2022


Problem URL: String compression II

Start from the beginning of the s, you would meet two situations:

You can either choose to : accept "b" -> your length would increase 1 and the count resets to 1 deny "b" -> your length would remain the same, the last character still "a", while the chances would decrease 1. Since we want the minimum length for the answer, so use min while taking situation 2. (While meeting left < 0, chances are run out so return the maximum value math.inf)

class Solution:
    def getLengthOfOptimalCompression(self, s: str, k: int) -> int:
        def counter(start, last, last_count, left):
            if left < 0:
                return math.inf
            if len(s)-start <= left:
                return 0
            if s[start] == last:
                incr = 1 if last_count == 1 or last_count == 9 or last_count == 99 else 0
                return incr + counter(start+1, last, last_count+1, left)
                keep_counter = 1 + counter(start+1, s[start], 1, left)
                skip_counter =  counter(start + 1, last, last_count, left - 1)
                return min(keep_counter, skip_counter)

        return counter(0, "", 0, k)

Time Complexity: O(n*k)
Space Complexity: O(n*k)