
November 10, 2022


Problem URL: Triangle

We will use recursive DFS to solve the problem. We will then iterate through the triangle and for each row, we will iterate through the row and update the current element with the minimum of the two elements below it plus the current element. We will then return the top element. Finally we will memoize the function.

class Solution:
    def minimumTotal(self, triangle: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        def dp(r: int, c: int, memo: dict) -> int:
            if (r, c) in memo:
                return memo[(r, c)]

            if r == len(triangle)-1:
                return triangle[r][c]

            if c > len(triangle[c])-1:
                return math.inf

            memo[(r, c)] = triangle[r][c] + min(dp(r+1, c, memo), dp(r+1, c+1, memo))
            return memo[(r, c)]

        return dp(0, 0, {})

Time Complexity: O(n^2)
Space Complexity: O(n^2)