Valid palindrome III

November 29, 2022


Problem URL: Valid palindrome III

We will solve the problem using top-down dynamic programming. If the first and last characters are the same, we will check if the substring between the first and last characters is a valid palindrome. If the first and last characters are not the same, we will check if the substring between the first and last characters is a valid palindrome if we remove either the first or the last character.

class Solution:
    def isValidPalindrome(self, s: str, k: int) -> bool:
        def calculate(left: int, right: int, memo: dict) -> int:
            if (left, right) in memo:
                return memo[(left, right)]

            if left == right or left+1 == right:
                return 0

            if s[left] == s[right-1]:
                memo[(left, right)] = calculate(left+1, right-1, memo)
                memo[(left, right)] = min(calculate(left+1, right, memo), calculate(left, right-1, memo))+1

            return memo[(left, right)]

        return calculate(0, len(s)-1, {}) <= k

Time complexity: O(n^2), n is the length of the string
Space complexity: O(n^2)