Valid sudoku
July 13, 2022
array-and-hashmapProblem URL: Valid sudoku
We can use 3 hashmap to store the values of rows, colums and square. For rows and columns hashmap we will use the row and column number as key. For square hashmap, we can use the integer division of the row, column value by 3, and use the set as key. For example, row 5 and column 4 value will be stored as (row//3, column//3)
key in the hashmap. If we already have the value stored in the hashmap, then we return false immediately. If we can traverse through the whole grid without any duplicate, that mean the sudoku is valid and we return true.
import collections
from typing import List
class Solution:
def isValidSudoku(self, board: List[List[str]]) -> bool:
rows = collections.defaultdict(set)
cols = collections.defaultdict(set)
sqrs = collections.defaultdict(set)
for r in range(9):
for c in range(9):
if board[r][c] == '.':
if (board[r][c] in rows[r] or
board[r][c] in cols[c] or
board[r][c] in sqrs[(r//3, c//3)]):
return False
sqrs[(r//3, c//3)].add(board[r][c])
return True
We go through the whole grid once, so time complexity should be O(n)
. Similarly the space complexity should be O(n^3). But as we are given a 9X9 grid, it's a constant time and space operation. So both time and space complexity will be O(1)