Where will the ball fall

November 1, 2022


Problem URL: Where will the ball fall

We drop the ball at grid[0][c] and track ball position c1, which initlized as c. An observation is that, if the ball wants to move from c1 to c2, we must have the board direction grid[r][c1] == grid[r][c2].

class Solution:
    def findBall(self, grid: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
        ROWS, COLS = len(grid), len(grid[0])

        def path(c: int) -> int:
            for r in range(ROWS):
                dc = c + grid[r][c]
                if dc < 0 or dc >= COLS or grid[r][dc] != grid[r][c]:
                    return -1
                c = dc
            return c

        return map(path, range(COLS))

Time complexity: O(r*c)
Space complexity: O(c)