Sliding Window (29)

These problems are related to sliding window.

Number of substrings containing all three characters - May 28, 2023

Count the number of good subarray - January 18, 2023

Maximize the confusion of an exam - December 9, 2022

Longest substring with at most k distinct characters - December 3, 2022

Longest substring with at most two distinct characters - December 3, 2022

Find k length substrings with no repeated characters - December 3, 2022

Sliding window median - November 23, 2022

Binary subarrays with sum - November 19, 2022

Longest substring of all vowels in order - November 15, 2022

Minimum swaps to group all 1s together II - November 1, 2022

Replace the substring for balanced string - October 28, 2022

Max consecutive ones III - October 28, 2022

Fruit into baskets - October 28, 2022

Max consecutive ones - October 28, 2022

Frequency of the most frequent element - October 9, 2022

Find the index of the first occurrence in a string - October 8, 2022

Minimum difference between highest and lowest of k scores - October 2, 2022

Maximum erasure value - September 8, 2022

Minimum consecutive cards to pick up - September 8, 2022

Repeated dna sequences - September 8, 2022

Get equal substrings within budget - August 30, 2022

Minimum size subarray sum - August 29, 2022

Substring with concatenation of all words - August 13, 2022

Minimum window substring - August 3, 2022

Sliding window maximum - August 3, 2022

Permutation in string - August 2, 2022

Longest repeating character replacement - July 29, 2022

Longest substring without repeating characters - July 24, 2022

Best time to buy and sell stock - July 17, 2022