
November 15, 2022

Find duplicate subtrees

We will use DFS and do preorder traversal to find all the subtrees. Then we can use a hash map to store the frequency of each subtree. If the frequency of a subtree is greater than 1, then we can add...


November 15, 2022

Path sum III

We will use dfs to traverse the tree and for each node, we will find the number of paths that start from the current node and have the sum equal to the target sum. We will use a hashmap to store the...


November 15, 2022

Count of matches in tournament

We can simply count the number of matches played by counting the number of times we divide the number of teams by 2. We can also count the number of teams by counting the number of times we multiply...


November 15, 2022

Find mode in binary search tree

We will use a hashmap to store the frequency of each node's value. We will then traverse the hashmap and return the keys with the maximum frequency. Time complexity: O(n) Space...


November 15, 2022

Longest substring of all vowels in order

We can use a sliding window and a hash set to find the longest substring of all vowels in order. Time complexity: O(n) Space complexity: O(1)


November 15, 2022

Binary tree tilt

We will use DFS to find the tilt of each subtree and then add them together. Time complexity: O(n) Space complexity: O(n)


November 15, 2022

Maximum area of a piece of cake after horizontal and vertical cuts

We will add border cuts to our horizontal and vertical cuts. Then all we need to do is consider all horizontal gaps between adjacent cuts, all vertical gaps between adjacent cuts, choose the biggest...


November 15, 2022

Maximum xor after operations

The problem calls for choosing an integer x, selecting an element n of the list, applying the compound operator op(n,x) = (x&n)^n, and taking the bit-intersection of the modified set. Because of...


November 14, 2022

Most stones removed with same row or column

We will create 2 adjacency list from the stones and then we will use BFS to find the connected components. The answer is the number of stones - the number of connected components. Time complexity:...


November 14, 2022

Merge strings alternately

We will use 2 pointers to iterate through the 2 strings and append the characters to the result. Time complexity: O(n+m) Space complexity: O(n+m) We can use python's...

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