
October 25, 2022

Check if two string arrays are equivalent

We will join the two arrays to strings and check if they are equal. Time Complexity: O(n) Space Complexity: O(n)


October 25, 2022

Escape the ghosts

We will calculate the Manhattan distance between the ghost and the target. If the ghost is closer to the target than the player, we will return False. Otherwise, we will return...


October 25, 2022

Reverse odd levels of binary tree

we will use preorder traversal to reverse the odd levels of the tree. Time complexity: O(n), where n is the number of nodes in the tree. Space complexity: O(h) where h is the height of the tree


October 25, 2022

Serialize and deserialize bst

we will use preorder traversal to serialize the tree. Then we will use the preorder traversal to deserialize the tree as well. Time Complexity: O(n) Space Complexity:...


October 24, 2022

Maximum length of a concatenated string with unique characters

We will use a set to filter out the strings with duplicate characters. Then we iterate over each sting and check if it has duplicate characters. If not, we will add it to the set. Then we will...


October 24, 2022

Open the lock

We will use a queue to store the current state of the lock. Then we will iterate over the queue and check if the current state is the target state. If not, we will iterate over each digit and check...


October 23, 2022

Can place flowers

We will assume the first and last position are not occupied, so we will imagine 2 empty position at both boundary. Then we will iterate the array and check if the current position is empty and the...


October 23, 2022

Integer break

We will use dynamic programming to solve this problem. We will create an array dp with size n+1. dp[i] will store the maximum product we can get by breaking...


October 23, 2022

Set mismatch

The sum of all numbers in the array is n*(n+1)/2. We calculate all the numbers in the array and subtract it from the sum. The result is the missing number. We will subtract the sum of...


October 22, 2022

Destination city

The destination city can not be seen as departure city. So, we will create a set with all departure cities. Then we iterate all destination cities and check if it is in the set. If not, we return...

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