Evaluate division

September 4, 2022


Problem URL: Evaluate division

We will first create an adjacency list from the provided equations and values list. Each node will have the related node and thier weight in it. Then we run DFS to find the result. Finally, we will run every query through our dfs and append the output to our result and return it.

class Solution:
    def calcEquation(self, equations: List[List[str]], values: List[float], queries: List[List[str]]) -> List[float]:
        graph = self.createGraph(equations, values)

        res = []
        for start, end in queries:
            res.append(self.findResult(start, end, graph))
        return res

    def createGraph(self, equations: List[List[str]], values: List[float]) -> dict:
        graph = collections.defaultdict(set)

        for i in range(len(equations)):
            n1, n2 = equations[i]
            w = values[i]

            graph[n1].add((n2, w))
            graph[n2].add((n1, 1/w))
            graph[n1].add((n1, 1))
            graph[n2].add((n2, 1))

        return graph

    def findResult(self, start, end, graph):
        if start not in graph or end not in graph:
            return -1.0

        self.result, visited = -1.0, set()

        def dfs(node, score):
            if node == end:
                self.result = score

            for neighbor, weight in graph[node]:
                if neighbor not in visited:
                    dfs(neighbor, weight*score)

        dfs(start, 1.0)
        return self.result

Time Complexity: O(n^2*q), n is the number of equations, q is the number of queries
Space Complexity: O(n^2)