Graph (73)

These problems are related to graph.

Number of increasing paths in a grid - June 17, 2023

Time needed to inform all employees - June 2, 2023

Shortest path in binary matrix - June 1, 2023

Sentence similarity - February 1, 2023

Find closest node to given two nodes - January 25, 2023

Lexicographically smallest equivalent string - January 14, 2023

Minimum time to collect all apples in a tree - January 11, 2023

Check if there is a valid path in a grid - January 4, 2023

K highest ranked items within a price range - January 2, 2023

Synonymous sentences - December 27, 2022

Number of distinct islands - December 24, 2022

Maximal network rank - December 21, 2022

Possible bipartition - December 21, 2022

Number of closed islands - December 16, 2022

Minimum cost to buy apples - December 7, 2022

Minimum score of a path between two cities - December 5, 2022

Find center of star graph - December 5, 2022

Number of connected components in an undirected graph - July 25, 2022

Connecting cities with minimum cost - December 2, 2022

Minimum cost to reach city with discounts - December 2, 2022

Number of operations to make network connected - November 21, 2022

Nearest exit from entrance in maze - November 21, 2022

Number of ways to arrive at destination - November 20, 2022

Path with maximum probability - November 20, 2022

Frog position after t seconds - November 18, 2022

Most stones removed with same row or column - November 14, 2022

Minimum number of vertices to reach all nodes - November 6, 2022

Find all possible recipes from given supplies - October 31, 2022

Shortest path in a grid with obstacles elimination - October 30, 2022

Shortest bridge - October 26, 2022

Minesweeper - October 26, 2022

Open the lock - October 24, 2022

Flood fill - September 28, 2022

Satisfiability of equality equations - September 26, 2022

Minimum genetic mutation - September 16, 2022

Is graph bipartite - September 13, 2022

Find the city with the smallest number of neighbors at a threshold distance - September 11, 2022

Number of restricted paths from first to last node - September 11, 2022

Island perimeter - September 10, 2022

Coloring a border - September 10, 2022

Keys and rooms - September 7, 2022

Lexicographical numbers - September 6, 2022

Course schedule IV - September 5, 2022

House robber III - September 5, 2022

Number of enclaves - September 5, 2022

Battleships in a board - September 5, 2022

All ancestors of a node in a directed acyclic graph - September 5, 2022

Evaluate division - September 4, 2022

Reachable nodes with restrictions - September 2, 2022

Minimum height trees - September 1, 2022

Number of islands - August 29, 2022

Number of provinces - August 29, 2022

Count servers that communicate - August 25, 2022

Word ladder II - August 14, 2022

Redundant connection - August 12, 2022

Word ladder - August 12, 2022

Walls and gates - August 12, 2022

Pacific atlantic water flow - August 11, 2022

Surrounded regions - August 11, 2022

Clone graph - August 8, 2022

Find eventual safe states - August 2, 2022

reconstruct-itinerary - July 28, 2022

Swim in rising water - July 28, 2022

Min cost to connect all points - July 28, 2022

Network delay time - July 26, 2022

Alien dictionary - July 26, 2022

Verifying an alien dictionary - July 26, 2022

Cheapest flights within k stops - July 26, 2022

Graph valid tree - July 21, 2022

Course schedule II - July 16, 2022

Course schedule - July 16, 2022

Rotting oranges - July 12, 2022

Max area of island - July 11, 2022