Number of connected components in an undirected graph

July 25, 2022


Problem URL: Number of connected components in an undirected graph

First we will create an adjacency list from the edges. Then we will run DFS from the very first node, and added it to out visited set, also count it as a connected component. In the process of DFS traversal, it will add all the connected components to out visited set. As we iterate over all the nodes, if we found any undivsovered node, we will run DFS again from there and increase our count. Finally, we will return the count when every node is already been visited.

from typing import List

class Solution:
    def countComponents(self, n: int, edges: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        graph = {}
        for i in range(n):
            graph[i] = []
        for n1, n2 in edges:

        visited = set()
        count = 0

        def dfs(node) -> bool:
            if node in visited:
                return False
            for n in graph[node]:
            return True

        for node in range(n):
            if node not in visited:
                count += 1

        return count

Time Complexity: O(n*e), n is the number of nodes, and e is the number of edges.
Space Complexity: O(n*e)