Word ladder II

August 14, 2022


Problem URL: Word ladder II

We will first run a BFS to create the graph with adjacency list. Then we will run DFS to find all possible paths of that graph.

class Solution:
    def findLadders(self, beginWord: str, endWord: str, wordList: List[str]) -> List[List[str]]:
        wordList = set(wordList)
        if endWord not in wordList:
            return []

        # BFS visit
        curr_level = {beginWord}
        parents = collections.defaultdict(list)

        while curr_level:
            wordList -= curr_level
            next_level = set()
            for word in curr_level:
                for i in range(len(word)):
                    for c in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz':
                        new_word = word[:i] + c + word[i+1:]
                        if new_word in wordList:
            if endWord in next_level:
            curr_level = next_level

        # DFS reconstruction
        res = []
        def dfs(word, path):
            if word == beginWord:
                for p_word in parents[word]:
                    dfs(p_word, path + [word])
        dfs(endWord, [])

        return res

Time Complexity: O((n+m)*l), n is the number of words, m is number of edges(m = n^2), l is maximum word length
Space Complexity: O((n+m)*l)