
September 27, 2022

Bulb switcher

Basically, if bulb A has an odd number of factors, then that bulb will be on in the end because each bulb is off at the start. If bulb Ahas an even number of factors, then that bulb will be off in...


September 27, 2022

Design circular deque

We can use a deque from the collections in python, and use it as our q. We just need to make sure, we don't overflow the queue as we are given a size. Time Complexity: O(1), for each...


September 27, 2022

Flatten nested list iterator

We will iterate over the nested list, and go through each element and add that to a queue. Then when we need to check the next, we can pop the value from the queue. For the hasNext, we can just check...


September 27, 2022

Push dominoes

Any triplet that reaches the state R.L remains that state permanently. These changes occur to pairs that are not part of an R.L, R. -> RR an...


September 27, 2022

Reverse string II

We will divide the string to a list if characters. Then we take k characters and reverse it. Then we skip another k characters and take the next k characters. So, we are looping over the list with...


September 27, 2022

Strictly palindromic number

We can convert the number to it's base, and check whether it's a palindromic string or not, and return the result. Time Complexity: O(n^2) Space Complexity: O(1) There...


September 26, 2022

Satisfiability of equality equations

We make an undirected graph in which the nodes are integers (as lower-case letters) and each edge connects integers that are equal. We use the union-find algorithm to determine the connected graphs....


September 25, 2022

Count nice pairs in an array

The problem statement says nums[i]+rev(nums[j]) == nums[j]+rev(nums[i]) is the defination of nice pairs. This can also be restated as nums[i]-rev(nums[i]) == nums[j]-rev(nums[j]). We will use this...


September 23, 2022

Concatenation of consecutive binary numbers

We will take a brute force approach to solve the problem. But rather than using bin function to convert the number to binary, which is prefixed with 0b, we can use the...


September 23, 2022

Partition to k equal sum subsets

We can try to split the numbers to k subsets, for that every subsets' sum will be total sum divided by k. It is best to iterate the input from biggest numbers, so that we can cut off bad solution...

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