
September 4, 2022

Amount of time for binary tree to be infected

We will first create an adjacency list for our tree. Then we run a simple BFS to traverse all the nodes, and the number of level we need to traverse is our time. Time Complexity: O(n)...


September 4, 2022

Unique binary search trees II

We will take the top-down approach to solve the problem. We will start from 1 and for every position, we take is as root, and build a tree with the left and right subarray for that root position,...


September 4, 2022

Evaluate division

We will first create an adjacency list from the provided equations and values list. Each node will have the related node and thier weight in it. Then we run DFS to find the result. Finally, we will...


September 4, 2022

Verify preorder serialization of a binary tree

We will split the string with , as delimeter, and pop the last value from it to check whether it's a # or not, if not, we immediately return false. Then we iterate over the...


September 4, 2022

Count complete tree nodes

We will count the height of the left and right subtree. If they are equal, then the it's a complete tree, so the number of node will be 2^n-1. If it's not a complete tree, then the...


September 4, 2022

Convert sorted list to binary search tree

We will first loop over the entire linked list and add the values to a list. Now we will take the middle index of the list as our root and recursively build both the left and right subtree and return...


September 4, 2022

Populating next right pointers in each node

We will traverse the tree with BFS and in each level, we will append the nodes to a list. After each level traversal, we take these nodes, and assing the next node to it's right node. We will repeat...


September 4, 2022

Vertical order traversal of a binary tree

We will first traverse the tree with DFS and store it's values along with row and column in the the process. Then we sort them by column value and group them by column value. Finally, take all these...


September 3, 2022

Balance a binary search tree

We will first traverse the tree with inorder traversal, and append all the values to an array. Then we create a binary search tree with the values, where root will be the middle of the array, thus we...


September 3, 2022

Numbers with same consecutive differences

We will start from 1, and then take the last digit of the number, add k to it and append to the right of the current number, until we reach the required length of n. We append every number on the way...

... 65 66 67 68 69 ...