
August 28, 2022


This is classic backtracking problem. For a given combination of values, you want only 1 tuple. You can achieve this by making sure that for 3 values a, b, c, that a < b < c. I implement this...


August 28, 2022

First missing positive

We will use our input array as the hashset, so that we can solve the problem in constant space. First, we will iterate over the input, and mark each negative number to 0, as it doesn't have any...


August 28, 2022

Game of life

We will create a copy of the given matrix, also create a helper function to count the live neighbors. Then, we iterate over each element of the board, count it's live neighbors, then change the value...


August 28, 2022

Sort the matrix diagonally

We will create a lehper function, that will take all the diagonal element from the matrix, based on a given row, column position, sort that and then replace the original matrix values with the sorted...


August 28, 2022

Unique paths II

We will first solve it with brute force using recursion and then use memoization to make it efficient. For recursion, we can think about the base case, if our current position is out of bound or it...


August 28, 2022

Validate stack sequences

We will pushed each element from the pushed to a stack, and check if the top of the element is equal to the first element of popped, if yes, we pop the element from the stack. After we are done with...


August 27, 2022

3sum closest

We have already sorted the 3 sum problem, it is basically the same problem with a little twist. First we sort the array, then we take the first element at first position, then for the rest of the...


August 27, 2022

Check if a string contains all binary codes of size k

First we will divide the string to all possible substring of length k. Then add all of them into a hashset. If the length of the hashset is equals to 2^k, then we found all possible number and return...


August 27, 2022

Interval list intersections

We will iterate over both list and check whether we have any overlaps or not, if we have we take the maximum of start time and minimum of end time as the intersection value and append it to our...


August 27, 2022

Number of smooth descent periods of a stock

We will start by result and count to be equals to 1. Then in each iteration of the array from index 1 to the rest, we check with the previous element, if the previous number is exactly bigger by 1,...

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