
August 30, 2022

Remove duplicates from sorted list II

We will have 2 pointers, when we iterate over each node, we check if we found duplicate, then we move right pointer until we hit another value. Then remove all nodes between 2 pointers and move both...


August 30, 2022

Remove duplicates from sorted list

We will check the current value to the next node value, if they are equal, we remove the current one, and move on till the end of the list. Time Complexity: O(n) Space Complexity:...


August 29, 2022

All paths from source to target

We will always start from 0, so we add 0 in that path. Then we run DFS from 0, and when we find the last node, which is the length of the graph-1 node, we add this current path to our final paths...


August 29, 2022

Divide two integers

We will divide the dividend by the divisor and cast it to an integer. If the answer is bigger than 2^31-1, which is the highest value of 32-bit integer, we cap it to the highest 32-bit integer value,...


August 29, 2022

Minimum size subarray sum

We will take a sliding window, add it to the sum, if the sum is greater than or equals to the target, we calculate the width of our sliding window and compare with our current result and took the...


August 29, 2022

Number of islands

We will iterate over the grid, if we found land which is 1, we start dfs from there, and added all the adjacent 1 to the visited set. We will also increase the number of islands for that. When the...


August 29, 2022

Number of provinces

We will iterate over each item in the rows, reach row actually denotes the number of connections one city could have. So, we will run DFS in a given neighbors, and if it is not in the visited set, we...


August 29, 2022

Remove duplicates from sorted array II

We will iterate over the whole array from index 1 to the end-1, compare the values of 3 consecutive values, if they are same, we change the first element to 10001, as our input can be as big as 10^4....


August 29, 2022

Remove duplicates from sorted array

We will iterate over each element from index 1 to the end of the list, if 2 consecutive numbers are equals, we convert the first number to 101, as out input list could have numbers upto 100. Then we...


August 29, 2022

Simplify path

First we will split the the path with / as delimeter. Then we iterate over the items of the path, if the item is . or empty, we just ignore it. If the item is anything but...

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